Are you experiencing serious threats, online or in real life attacks and harassment? If you need help, don’t know what to do or need someone to talk to you can contact the DSH.
The DSH has trained case officers who will support you. To guarantee that you can communicate with us in a secure way we strongly advice that you use end-to-end encrypted email such as Protonmail or Tutanota. If you don’t have encrypted email account, we advise you to create one, it is cost free and as simple as setting up any other email account.
You may wonder why we use these channels. Aside from its end-to-end encryption they also do not provide information about their users to any governments around the globe. For further information and guidelines, please read DSH Terms of Use

The Digital Safe House is a collaborative project between organizations working for journalists’ safety in the Philippines. The DSH provides gender-sensitive trainings to all DSH’s partners, ensuring that women journalists who seek help through the DSH support channels will receive adequate and gender-sensitive advice and support.
National Union of Journalists in the Philippines
Alert system | Other programs
Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility
Database of attacks against journalists | Alert reports
For journalist in need of legal services:
Media Defense
For journalist in need of psychological services:
PECOJON P2P Support Hotline
IAWRT Safety Handbook for Women Journalists
Philippine Journalist Safety Guide | A Handbook for Filipino Journalists
State of Photojournalism in the Philippines 2021 – Key Findings
About the Digital Safe House and Collaborative Platform for Women Journalists in the Philippines
Women journalists in the Philippines are being attacked relentlessly.
This is glaring especially under current political climate where intolerance to dissent, tyranny and misogyny are rampant. Women journalists known for their critical reporting of government policies are not only being denied access to their sources. They are also being vilified, tagged as enemies of the state. Such tagging increasingly results in arbitrary arrests and detention, with women journalists falsely accused of crimes they did not commit.
In addition to judicial harassment, Filipino women journalists experience workplace harassment and online harassment and digital threats.
The Digital Safe House and Collaborative Platform intends to help women journalists experiencing these attacks.
This platform serves as a first-stop for women journalists at risk and those who are seeking support in the face of various attacks, abuse and violence.
This platform was built by IAWRT, funded by IMS in collaboration with the Philippine Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists (PPSAJ) coalition. We made sure to build this platform with trusted digital experts who are working with human rights and freedom of expression organizations around the world.

IAWRT is a global network of 14 national chapters and members in 54 countries. Its members are professional communicators or researchers in media and communications.
IAWRT strives to meet the urgent global challenges faced by women in and around the media.
To find out more about IAWRT, visit: www.iawrt.org
International Media Support
IMS is a media development organization working in more than 30 countries around the world.
The group promotes press freedom, good journalism and safety training for journalists.